Housing for Huntsvillians | Episode 8

Thoughts on the Huntsville Environmental Commission

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On September 28th the Huntsville City Council will vote on whether to create a Huntsville Sustainability Commission. The commission would help guide the city through implementing recommendations in 2010’s Green 13 Report, which the Huntsville Environmental Sustainability Committee (HESC) updated in April of this year. […]

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On September 28th the Huntsville City Council will vote on whether to create a Huntsville Sustainability Commission.

The commission would help guide the city through implementing recommendations in 2010’s Green 13 Report, which the Huntsville Environmental Sustainability Committee (HESC) updated in April of this year.

There’s really just one thing this new commission, if formed, really must do to make Huntsville a significantly greener place to live. And that is to remove the barriers that make it more difficult and expensive for developers to build dense, naturally affordable housing near jobs, retail, services, and transit.

As the vote nears, I want to very briefly explain why I believe this. And I want to ask you to help me ensure that any such commission understands it as well.

Read the rest here: https://cathyreisenwitz.substack.com/p/4f4da9d4-1343-4ebc-b691-3db7389530aa

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